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Is an autopsy always performed?
No, An autopsy is performed when the cause and manner of death is not known. An autopsy is also performed on all fire deaths, all criminal deaths, all unexpected deaths, and the death of an infant and child.
Who performs the autopsy?
In the State of Indiana the autopsy must be performed by a Board Certified Pathologist. In Vanderburgh County we use Forensic Pathologist.
Is there any cost to the family?
No, when the Coroner orders the autopsy there is no cost to the family.
Where can I get a copy of the autopsy report?
An autopsy report is an investigative record. It can only be released to the next-of-kin or an insurance company who has a claim arising from the death per I.C.36-2-14-18.
When are taxes due?
Property taxes are due both spring and fall, typically May and November. Please visit the Treasurers page for exact date this year.
When were property tax bills mailed?
The 2018 pay 2019 Spring and Fall property tax bills were mailed Tuesday, March 26, 2019.
I made a payment that is not reflected on the bill I received in the mail. Why?
Please, feel free to contact the Treasurer’s Office at 812-435-5248 if you’d like to double-check the correct amount you owe.
Do we charge for duplicate tax bills?
When is the tax sale?
The 2019 Tax Sale will be Friday, August 23, 2019.
How can I avoid tax sale?
To avoid tax sale this year your bill must be paid up to and including the 2017 pay 2018 Spring tax installment (the bill that was due on May 10, 2018) no later than 4:30 pm on Thursday, June 20, 2019.
If a property happens to be under bankruptcy, is it still eligible for tax sale?
Not unless the owner of that property is freed from bankruptcy prior to June 20, 2019.
Can I pay my taxes before they are mailed or prior to the due date?
Yes, payments are taken all year long and in any amount. Your payment will be applied to the next installment of taxes due.
We’re selling our house and the buyers were pre-approved. Do we, the sellers, pay this year’s taxes or do the buyers?
The answer to that question is up to the buyer and seller.
I don't want to escrow my taxes anymore. I want to make the payment myself. What is the process to make these changes?
Before you do anything else, call the company that holds your mortgage and find out if that is even an option.
If I purchase property next to my house, may I assign the same address as my house to that property?
Our office does not have anything to do with assigning addresses. Please call the Area Plan Commission at 812-435-5226. This entity also has information concerning zoning.
What payment options do I have to pay my property taxes?
There are many ways to make payments with the Vanderburgh County Treasurer’s Office:
Who should I contact to redeem a property sold on tax sale?
Please call BJ in the Auditor’s Office at 812-435-5389.
Is it true that being delinquent on my taxes or even my water or sewer bill can affect my paycheck by having my wages garnished?
Yes, but this garnishment option refers to government employees only (anyone who is paid with any monies from local tax dollars).
If I am the owner of a property that is currently going through the appeal process (performed by the Assessor's office), should I pay any property taxes by the upcoming deadline?
Yes, payment of taxes prior to or on the deadline date is required in order to avoid or reduce penalties that may occur.
How do I get a public defender?
The Court will make a determination of whether you are entitled to a Public Defender. If you are found to be indigent and eligible, an Attorney from our office will be appointed.
How do I know who my public defender is?
Once the Court has determined that you are eligible for a Public Defender and have appointed our office, the Court will notify our office electronically. One of our secretaries will then assign your case to an Attorney. After the secretary has assigned your case to an Attorney, you will receive a copy of your charging information, docket sheet, and a card stating who your Attorney is, with their contact information.
How do I contact my Public Defender?
Once our clients receive their attorney's information in the mail, they may then contact their Attorney by telephone. Our clients may also send their Attorney mail to the Public Defender's office or their attorney's private office. To make sure the mail gets to the correct Attorney, please provide the Attorney's name on the front of the envelope. See our Staff Directory for a list of Public Defenders and their contact information.
When is my next court date?
You can see your next scheduled court date by looking at your court docket online. See the link below. You can also contact our office at (812) 435-5900.
How can I get my conviction appealed?
Advise the Attorney who represented you at the trial that you wish to appeal your conviction. If you are determined to be indigent by the Court, our office will be appointed to represent you on the appeal.
What do I do if I want to pursue an appeal of a plea agreement, file for a sentence modification or file a post-conviction relief petition?
Any defendant who wants to appeal his/her plea agreement or who wants to file for post-conviction relief may NOT be represented by the County Public Defender Agency. They should contact the Office of the State Public Defender in Indianapolis. They can be reached at (317) 232-2475.
Where is my Bus?
Please use our Double Map App to locate where your bus is on the Route and when it might be arriving at your destination (Predictive Time Arrival)

You may also call the Office 812-435-6166
Mon-Fri 5:45am - 12:15am
Sat - 6:15am - 12:15am
Sun 6:15am - 6:15pm
How do you determine what time we should be ready for our pickup?
The assignment of ready (pickup times is based upon your required appointment (arrival) time at a designated location, the distance traveled, the sharing of the ride with others, and vehicle availability. The farther the pickup location from the destination, the earlier the ready time. Such times are decided by a manual and computerized scheduling system.
So if my doctor’s appointment is at 8:00AM, what time should I be ready?
Since this service is origin-to-destination, we recommend that you be ready to leave your location at least sixty (60) minutes before your scheduled ready time. The vehicle will only wait five (5) minutes after your scheduled ready time. For example, if your vehicle arrives at 7:00 a.m., the driver will only wait until 7:05 a.m. If your ride arrives early, you are not obligated to board the vehicle before your scheduled time. However, you may do so if you wish.
I’ve been ready for my bus pickup since 7:00AM but my bus isn’t here yet, what do I do?
The driver has 30 minutes after your “scheduled” ready time to pick you up. For example, if your ready time is 7:00 a.m., the vehicle may arrive up to 7:30 a.m. until it is considered late. If the driver is not at your location within 30 minutes after your ready time, please call the METS Mobility/Para-transit service at 812-435-6188.
I may need assistance getting myself and/or groceries into my apartment/house, will the driver be able to assist me?
The driver can only assist you in boarding and exiting the vehicle. Drivers may not escort you into the building, and they may only remove packages from the vehicle. The "origin-to-destination" service is a requirement due to liability issues.
Why can’t I talk to the driver while they’re taking me to my appointment?
Do not engage the driver in conversation while he/she is operating the vehicle. This is important for your safety as well as others.
I have an issue with my driver, how should I handle this situation?
Do not verbally or physically abuse the driver. Any physical or verbal action you may take against the driver may affect your riding privilege. If you have any issues please call:
METS Mobility/Paratransit service at 812-435-6188.
METS Fixed Route service at 812-435-6166
I need special accommodations, how do I go about letting the driver know?
Keep a list of your needs (wheelchair, extra-wide wheelchair, scooter, service animal, extra seating space, etc.) by the phone, and make certain your special needs are discussed when you schedule a ride.
I don’t have my exact fare. Can I give it to the driver on my return ride, or can the driver issue change?
Have your fare and the fare of your companion ready before the trip starts. The driver is required to collect fares before the trip departs. If you do not have the proper fare, the driver cannot transport you. You must have exact change; drivers do not carry change.
Will I be able to eat/drink/smoke or listen to music while I ride the bus?
Eating, drinking, smoking or playing radios/cassette players without earphones is not permitted.
I’m not going to need my upcoming appointments, what should I do?
Please notify the METS of any changes in your status (if you will be in the hospital, if you are going on vacation, etc.). Such information allows the METS to serve more customers.
I need to cancel my appointment, when should I call?
Contact the METS’ dispatchers (812-435-6188) as soon as possible when cancelling your ride. The METS prefers a minimum of two-hour advance notice so other customers can be accommodated.
I need to transport groceries/packages on the bus, how many am I allowed to have?
Please limit the number of parcels you take on the vehicle to four (4), with no single package weighing more than 25 pounds. Remember, Mobility/Para-transit is a shared-ride service, and excess packages will infringe upon other customers.
How do I ride a bus?
METS offers training on how to ride both fixed route buses and our Mobility Buses For Fixed Route - Please call 812-435-6166 For Mobility - Please call 812-435-6188
Which buses run on Sunday
The five Sunday Bus Routes are the Howell/Mary, Stringtown/First, Lincoln, Covert/Riverside, and the East Connection. These buses operate 6:15am to 6:15pm. METS has an app to track buses in real time, show bus stops, announcements, and bus route information. The app is - mets.doublemap.com or you can visit the METS webpage at www.evansville.in.gov/mets for more information and a link to the app. Thanks for using METS!
What is the proper way to discharge my sump pump and/or private drain (downspout drains)?
Any sump pump, private drain and/or downspout drain should be discharged into a vegetated area outside of the road right of way. In most cases the drain can have a pop up valve installed at the end of the pipe in order to allow the force of the water to open the valve to discharge the water onto the ground. This action keeps the area around the discharge point from being wet and saturated all of the time and also allows the soils to absorb the water naturally and keeps it from entering the storm sewers system, thus reducing the amount of runoff to the often inundated storm sewers.
Will the City remove debris from a creek?
The City does not have the resources or equipment to remove any debris from creeks. However, if the creek or ditch is a "REGULATED DRAIN" the Vanderburgh County Surveyor's Office can provide assistance in removing blockages as well as construction or reconstruction of a "Regulated Drain". In addition if the blockage or obstruction is at a "BRIDGE", the Vanderburgh County Engineer's Office an assist in getting Maintenance Crews to remove the debris.
A "Regulated Drain" means an open drain, a tiled drain or a combination of the two. By Statute (Indiana Code 36-9-27) the Vanderburgh County Surveyors Office is responsible for maintenance, construction, and reconstruction of all regulated drains. The description and location of all regulated drains can be found in the Surveyors Office.
What is a right of way?
The definition of a right of way is: A right to make a way over a piece of land, usually to and from another piece of land. A right of way is a type of easement granted or reserved over the land for transportation purposes; this can be for a highway, public footpath, railway, canal as well as electrical transmission lines, oil and gas pipelines. A right of way is reserved for the purposes of maintenance or expansion of existing services with the right of way.
Do I need a permit to work in the City's Right of way?
Yes. Any work that is performed within the designated City Road Right of Way must obtain a Permit from the City Engineer's Office. The forms are available on the City Engineer's webpage at www.evansvillegov.org. There are no fees for the permits, however, a detailed drawing showing the location of the work, the type of work, type of materials used etc. must e provided with the application. These applications are then presented to the Board of Public Works at their meetings which are held every Thursday at 1:30 PM in Room #321, Civic Center Complex, Evansville, IN.
My neighborhood wants street lights, what are our options?
The City of Evansville is only obligated to light intersections according to state statute. Therefore, any requests for street lights should be submitted to the City Engineer's Office for review. However, at this time the City of Evansville is only taking requests for review.
My property is on a creek/stream/lake/pond and the bank is eroding. Who is responsible for fixing this?
In most cases the maintenance of creek, stream, lake and pond banks are the property owners responsibility to maintain and to provide repairs. However, if the creek/stream is a "regulated Drain" you can contact the Vanderburgh County Surveyor's Office. If the lake or pond is in an Easement for Storm Water Detention, they are normally the homeowners responsibility to maintain unless there is an existing and active homeowners association, then the homeowner or homeowners association would be responsible.
My neighborhood wants to have speed bumps/humps installed. What is the process?
The purpose of speed bumps/humps is to reduce excessive speeds on residential streets to ensure the safety of neighborhood pedestrians of all ages, deaf and blind individuals, cyclists, and animals to create calmer, more livable environment. The engineering criteria must be met which is explained in Evansville Municipal Code 12.06.030. There are also general conditions that must be med in placing or allowing speed bumps/humps which can be found in Evansville Municipal Code 12.06.040. In addition, the involved roadway segment on which the speed hump is to be placed must have neighborhood support. One vote per property owner is allowed and Fifty five percent of the property owners within a 100-yard radius, directly impacted by the speed hump location, must approve its placement.
What is an encroachment permit and when do I need one?
An encroachment permit is a permit that is issued by the City Engineer's Office for any building, structure or obstacle that would be placed, constructed or built in the City of Evansville's street right of way. Any type a private property owner wants to locate a fence, shrubbery, sign or other obstacle in t e right of way of the street it must be approved by the City Engineer's Office in order to assure that the encroachment will not interfere with the future improvements of the roadway and to assure that it will not have any adverse effect on the traffic flow or site distance. The Encroachment Permits are available on the City of Evansville's Webpage www.evansvillegov.org (City Engineer/permits and construction/encroachment permit). There are no fees for the permits, however, a detailed drawing showing the location of the work, the type of work, type of materials used etc. must be provided with the application. These applications are then presented to the Board of Public Works at their meetings which are held every Thursday at 1:30 PM in Room #301, Civic Center Complex, Evansville. IN
What is an Easement?
The definition of an easement is: The right to use the real property of another for a specific purpose. Typical easements are for access to another pr operty, for utility or sewer lines both under and above ground and/or entry to make repairs and for drainage purposes.
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