Contact Us
Building Commission
1 NW Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Civic Center Complex, Room 310
Evansville, IN 47708
Get Directions | Location Details
1 NW Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Civic Center Complex, Room 310
Evansville, IN 47708
Get Directions | Location Details
- Business: (812) 436-7885
- Fax: (812) 436-7869
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
Topics of Interest
Department HomeMore Information
Report a Weeds Complaint
Use any of our "Contact Us" methods to report your complaint
Information Needed
- What is the address of the property in violation?
- Where is the violation located on the property?
- Can the violation can be seen from a public right of way?
- If not, will you sign a Consent to Enter form granting permission for the Inspector to view the Violation from your property?
- If so, an appointment will be scheduled.
- If not, will you sign a Consent to Enter form granting permission for the Inspector to view the Violation from your property?
- Are there any potential hazards or dangers we should be aware of?
Other Concerns
- County Weed Control (812) 435-5777
- County Trash Control (812) 435-5695
- Zoning and Sign Information (812) 435-5226
- Abandoned Vehicles (812) 435-5226
- Fences (812) 435-5226
- Air Quality (812) 435-6145
- Mold and Lead Paint (812) 435-5695
- Useful Links