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Mayor's Youth Advisory Council

Mayor's Youth Advisory Council

The Evansville Mayor’s Youth Advisory council is a group of dedicated students that represent Evansville youth.

The students, in grades 8-12, went through an application and interview process to serve a 10 month term, which spans the academic year. The Council meets monthly to discuss ongoing projects and issues relating to Evansville youth. Between all members of the council, all local high schools and wards in Evansville
are represented

During their term, members of the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council work as a team to create solutions for problems facing Evansville’s youth. Members participate in service projects and meet with local leaders to discuss issues they find most important and ways to attempt to address those problems.

Thus far, the first term of the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council has seen students look to address concerns around mental health and digital literacy, presenting on both topics at December's Traveling City Hall meeting.

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