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1 NW Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Civic Center Complex, Room 302
Evansville, IN 47708
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  • Phone:  (812) 436-4962
  • TTY/TDD:  (812) 436-4928
  • Staff Directory
  • Hours: Monday-Friday, 8AM to 5PM CT

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Office of Mayor Stephanie TerryMayor Terry

Thank you for your interest in the City of Evansville!

As Indiana’s third largest city, Evansville is a great place to live, work, and play.

Whether you are an Evansville native, a resident or business looking to relocate here, or just curious about how your government operates, we hope our website helps you find more information.

Our administration is one that listens. People deserve a say in how their government operates, and often times the best ideas come from citizens on the ground.

Please click here to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about making Evansville an even better community.


Stephanie Terry, Mayor

Neighborhood RevitalizationYouth DevelopmentGovernment Efficiency