----------------------- Page 1----------------------- Service Hours: RIDE GUIDE FOR Route Highlights: Monday-Friday Arts District at Haynies Corner Riverside “A” “A” Glenwood Middle School First departure from the Park Lawn Cemetery Downtown Transfer Terminal Washington Square Mall 5:45 a.m. Lawndale Commons Shopping Route ID #2 Center Arrives at Lawndale Transfer Terminal Fairlawn School 15 min. after the hour Fairlawn Shopping Center Lodge School Last arrival at the Downtown Transfer Caze School Terminal 5:45 p.m. Riverside “A” does not operate 10:45am to 12:45pm Evening service is provided by Riverside "B" Route Directions Fixed Route Fare: OUTBOUND: Exit the Downtown Standard Fare $0.75 Transfer Terminal right onto Sycamore METS St., left on Second St., right on Culver Dr., Student with ID Fare $0.60 left on Riverside Dr., left on Vann Ave., right on Pollack Ave., left on Green River Rd., right on Monroe Ave., left along Elderly, Disabled, and $0.35 Medicare card holders Fare METROPOLITAN Washington Square Mall and Lawndale Commons Shopping Center to the EVANSVILLE Lawndale Transfer Terminal. Mobility-Paratransit: TRANSIT SYSTEM Transportation information can be obtained by contacting METS by Internet INBOUND: Exit the Lawndale 601 JOHN STREET www.evansville.in.gov/MetsMobility , or at Transfer Terminal left on Green River Rd., right on Fickas Ave., right on Vann Ave., the Mobility office (812)435-6188. For EVANSVILLE, IN 47713 left on Pollack Ave., right on Riverside Dr., TTY/relay assistance please call 1-800- right on Culver Dr., left on Second St., 743-3333. right on Vine St., right into the Downtown (812) 435-6166 Transfer Terminal. rv12-16 www.evansville.in.gov/Mets