Building Commission: City Weeds, Trash, and Unsafe Structures

 Step 1 of 1

Do you have a concern you wish to share with the Building Commission?

Please fill out the form below to report issues to the Building Commission.

* Denotes a required field

Contact Information

Phone Number 
-- ext

Concern Information

Type of Concern*
Intersections are acceptable - note which corner: NE, SE, NW, SW. Be as specific as possible.
When identifying locations with no known house number, please be as specific as possible so we can know the area of your concern.
It's helpful to have information as detailed as "the alley between W Maryland and W Jackson Sts behind the 3rd house from the cross street Elmwood Rd. There is a chain link fence with a gate by the gray garage."
Please add a description of your concern(s) in the box provided below.
Please click Submit below when finished to send your inquiry to our offices.