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Levee Authority
1300 Waterworks Rd
Evansville, IN 47713
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Levee Authority

Levee Authority

The Evansville-Vanderburgh Levee Authority District (EVLAD) is a separate body of the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County governments and is governed by a 3-member board.

The EVLAD partners with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (Louisville District) to inspect our levee system annually.

Any changes or modifications to the system must have approval by both the local Levee District and the Corps of Engineers.

EVLAD employs 13 full-time people who maintain the entire levee project, including 20 pump stations, more than 90,000 feet of levees, and machinery. (Photo is of the Levee Authority District office and garage.)

When the river stage reaches 26 feet, EVLAD initiates around-the-clock operations to pump rain/storm water into the river.  

When the river rises past 32 feet, a computerized remote-control system is activated that requires 3 employees per shift to handle trouble-shooting and monitoring.