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Filing Documents

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the filing deadline?

Common types of filings.

What are the steps in approving an ordinance or resolution?

I have questions about filing a Rezoning.

I need help filing a petition to vacate a public way, alley or easement.

I’m a taxicab company needing to file an application for a certificate of convenience and necessity.

When is the filing deadline?

All ordinances and resolutions shall be filed in the City Clerk’s office by Tuesday at 12:00 noon prior to the meeting at which first reading of such ordinance will be held as per Evansville Municipal Code 2.10.120(C). The City Clerk or his agent will see that a copy of such introduced ordinance is placed in each Councilman’s packet and received by him prior to the Council meeting at which the document is to be considered.

Enforcing the filing deadline allows the Clerk’s Office ample time to prepare the documents, agenda and deliver materials by Thursday before the meeting allowing Council members time to review documents.

Each document filed is date stamped the date it was received.  The date stamp can eliminate confusion when looking at amended versions of the same document.

Common types of filings:

FINANCE ORDINANCES.  Ordinances dealing with finance matters (i.e. appropriation, repeal, etc); heard by the Finance Committee

GENERAL ORDINANCES.  Ordinances amending the Municipal Code; vacating public ways; other misc. matters; heard by Administration, Safety and Development, Finance or Public Works Committee. 

ORDINANCE TO VACATE STREET, ALLEY OR PUBLIC WAY.  This sub-category of General Ordinances are filed by persons who own or are interested in any lots or parts of lots within the City, and want to vacate all or part of a public way or public place in or contiguous to those lots or parts of lots within the City, may file a petition for vacation with the City Council.

REZONING ORDINANCES. The City is divided into districts or zones with each having their own regulations and rules for how the land may be used.  Over time, residents and City officials find the need to change some districts, or rezone them, which requires Council approval.  Rezoning requests first appear before the Area Plan Commission and receive a recommendation for approval or denial.  This recommendation is then passed on to Council, which has the final authority over rezoning requests.  Rezoning Ordinances are considered by Council during one meeting per month – typically, the first meeting of the month.

RESOLUTIONS.  A stated position or policy of the Common Council or the City typically having two readings.

RESOLUTIONS ON "THE DOCKET".  A resolution may be passed on the same day or at the same meeting as it is introduced as part of the resolution docket, unless more than one reading is required by law, or if it is requested by one of the resolution’s sponsors that it be treated with the formalities of an ordinance. A resolution passed under this section requires a majority vote of the Council members. A resolution may be passed by a voice vote rather than a roll-call vote, unless a roll-call vote is requested by any member of Council or unless the resolution requires affirmative action on behalf of the City as required by law or it has been requested by a majority of the members of Council that it be treated with the formality of an ordinance.

REPORTS.  Many city, joint, and social service agencies formally submit reports to the City Council.  These reports become part of the meeting's official record.   

What are the steps in approving an ordinance or resolution?

Ordinances receive two readings over the course of two consecutive City Council meetings.  These readings are referred to as “First Reading” and “Second Reading”.  Exceptions are ordinances requiring a public hearing and recommendation from another board or commission prior to Second Reading (final reading) such as Rezoning Ordinances.  Discussion among City Council and a public comment period occur on the night of Second Reading and is followed by a call for vote for final action. 

On occasion, a vote to “Suspend the Rules” may be in order to have an ordinance’s First and Second Readings within the same meeting.

I have questions about filing a Rezoning.

Visit the Area Plan Commission's page for comprehensive information packets regarding City Rezonings. 

I need help filing a petition to vacate a public way, alley or easement.

The City Clerk’s Office has created a document as a helpful guide based on Evansville Municipal Code (EMC) 12.05.450 to provide a general overview of key aspects in preparing a petition and ordinance to vacate.  Click here to view the guide.  

I’m a taxicab company needing to file an application for a certificate of convenience and necessity.

The City Clerk’s Office offers this document as a helpful guide based on the Evansville Municipal Code (EMC) 5.40.020 to provide a general overview of key aspects in preparing your organization’s application.  Remember certificates must be renewed annually and expire every January 1. Failing to file well in advance may result in City Council approval after January 1.  We suggest filing in our office no later than mid-November.

Have more specific questions?  Contact the City Clerk’s Office at 812-436-4992.