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National Register of Historic Places

Evansville has 81 (eighty-one) individually-listed properties and 8 (eight) historic districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places. 

Click on the link below to access the nomination forms (some of the files are large and may take some time to download).


Individually-Listed Properties

Albion Flats
Alhambra Theatorium
American Trust and Savings Bank (Indiana Bank)
Auto Hotel Building
Barrett's Britz Building
Bedford, William, Sr., House
Bernardin-Johnson House
Bitterman Building
Black, Glenn A., House
Boehne, John W., House
Building at 223 Main Street (Haller Chute)
Busse House
Cadick Apartments (Plaza Building)
Carpenter, Willard, House
Central Library
Citizens National Bank
Court Building (Furniture Building)
Eagles Home
Evansville Brewing Company
Evansville College
Evansville Journal News
Evansville Municipal Market
Evansville Post Office
Fellwock Garage
Firestone Tire and Rubber Store
Garvin Park
Geiger, Fred, and Sons National Biscuit Company
General Cigar Company
German Bank
Greyhound Bus Terminal
Harding and Miller Music Company
Helfrich, Michael D., House
Hooker-Ensle-Pierce House
Hose House No. 10
Hose House No. 12
Huber Motor Sales Building
Igleheart, Edgar A., House
Indiana Bell Building
Ingle Terrace
Koester/Patburg House
Kuebler-Artes Building
Leich, Charles, and Company
Liberty Baptist Church
Maier, Peter Augustus, House
Masonic Temple
McCurdy Building (Sears, Roebuck and Company Building)
McCurdy Hotel
Mead Johnson River-Rail-Truck Terminal and Warehouse
Montgomery Ward Building
Morris Plan (Central Union Bank)
National City Bank
Newman, M. G., Building
Oak Hill Cemetery
O'Donnell Building
Ohio Street Bridge
Old Bittermann Building
Old Fellwock Auto Company
Old Vanderburgh County Courthouse
Old Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Residence
Parson and Scoville Building
Pearl Steam Laundry
Puster, L., and Company Furniture Manufactory
Reitz, John Augustus, House
Ridgway Building
Roelker, John H., House
Rose Terrace
Salem Baptist Church
Schaeffer, Michael, House
Siegel's Department Store
Smith, Robert, Mortuary
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Coliseum
St. John's Evangelical Protestant Church
Sunset Park Pavilion
Sweeton, Charles, House
USS LST 325 (Landing Ship-Tank)
Van Cleave Flats
Victory Theater and Hotel Sonntag
Willard Library
Zion Evangelical Church


Historic Districts

Bayard Park Historic District
Culver Historic District
Evansville Downtown Historic District
Hebron Meadows 
Independence Historic District
Lincolnshire Historic District
Riverside Historic District
Washington Avenue Historic District