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Solid Waste Management
Welcome to the Vanderburgh County Indiana Solid Waste District
The mission of the Vanderburgh County Solid Waste District is to inform and educate the citizens of Vanderburgh County about proper waste disposal, waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and household hazardous waste, and, in conjunction with the private sector, provide quality programs and services in these areas.
Curbside recycling is available to homes in the City of Evansville and in Vanderburgh County.
2025 Recycling Events
Electronics Recycling
Spring Event: Saturday, April 12, 2025 from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm at C&I Electronics.
Please note that the Spring event will be conducted in the parking lot at C&I Electronics, 424 E. Inglefield Rd. (the corner of Inglefield & Hwy 41 North). It will not be held in the Civic Center parking lot in April.
Fall Event: Date and Location To be Determined.
Accepted items: TVs, computers, monitors, printers, hard drives, laptops, fax/scanners, cell phones, DVD players, digital cameras, modems, cables/cords
Not Accepted: copy machines, microwaves, appliances
Tox-Away Days
Spring Event: Saturday, March 29, 2025 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. at the former Roberts Stadium parking lot. Enter on E. Franklin Street directly behind Swonder Ice Arena.
Please note that there will be no Tox-Away Day held in the Civic Center parking lot in the Spring of 2025
Fall Event: Date and Location To be Determined
Get rid of oil-based paint, solvents & thinners, pesticides, herbicides, household chemicals, motor oil, antifreeze, gasoline, auto batteries and fluids, smoke detectors, fluorescent tube lights, fire extinguishers and pharmaceuticals at this free disposal program.
No latex paint, appliances or electronics please.
Please load items into your trunk or truck bed for safe unloading.
Free Paper Shredding Day
Spring Event: Friday, May 9, 2025 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Fall Event: Friday, September 19, 2025 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.
These events will be held at Wesselman Woods, 551 N. Boeke Road. The paper collection will take place at Shelter House #1, near the former golf course.
Drop off confidential or sensitive documents (up to 100 lbs.) to be shredded by Piranha Mobile Shredding at no charge. Shredding will occur off-site at Piranha Mobile Shredding facilities. Vanderburgh County residents only please.
Tire Recycling - 2025 dates to be determined in the near future
Tire recycling will be held at the Fall Tox-Away day on Saturday, September 7, 2024 in the Civic Center Parking Lot at 9th & Walnut Streets, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
We will collect automobile & light truck tires only. No semi or tractor tires will be accepted. Tires from businesses will not be accepted.
General Recycling
Curbside recycling is available for City of Evansville residents, who pay for trash and recycling on their monthly Water & Sewer bill. Recycling is collected every other week in the green-lid cart on the same day as your trash. To find out your trash and recycling pickup day, please call Republic Services at 812-424-3345. The following items can be dropped into your recycling cart for pickup, no sorting required:
- Paper - newspapers, office paper, catalogs, phone books, etc.
- Cardboard - cereal boxes, soda boxes and corrugated cardboard.
- Metal - aluminum, steel and bimetal drink containers and lids.
- Plastics - all items with recycling symbols 1-7, bottles, dairy containers, etc.
If you are located in the County, please check with your trash company to inquire about curbside recycling services.
Other Recycling Locations:
Tri-State Resource Recovery 1511 Harriet Street (Recycling Bins are accessed from Read Street, off Morgan Avenue, near Garvin Park)
HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm - Residential drop-off Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm - Business drop-off
Recyclables must be sorted and dropped into the individual containers labeled for each type of item:
- Glass
- Plastics #1-7
- Cardboard
- Aluminum cans
- Steel cans
- Mixed paper including newspaper, magazines, office paper
Several kinds of glass items are now being accepted at Tri-State Resource Recovery:
Acceptable Glass:
- Glass food & beverage containers (no lids but labels can be left on)
- Drinking vessels (pint, wine, mason jars)
- Candle jars (leftover wax acceptable)
- Windows
- Shower doors
- Table tops (frames and hardware must be removed)
GLASS NOT ACCEPTED: No mirrors, china, ceramics or dishware
Laubscher Meadows Landfill 2121 Wimberg Road Enter the landfill from N. St. Joseph Ave. at their sign, then take the first left into their free recycling service area. HOURS: Monday - Friday - 6:00 am - 4:00 pm QUESTIONS? 812-963-9098
ITEMS ACCEPTED (based on signage onsite):
- Cardboard
- Plastics #1 - #7
- Aluminum cans
- Bi-metal cans
- Paper
- NO glass
- NO trash
City-Wide Heavy Trash Collection
The Evansville Water & Sewer Utilities offers customers free heavy trash pickup as often as every two weeks, except during fall leaf collection, which runs November through mid-December. This service is available to Evansville residents who pay for trash service with their water bill. Apartment complexes, mobile home communities, business and commercial customers and county residents are not eligible.
Call Republic Services at (800) 886-3345 to schedule a pickup.
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