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550 SE 8th St
Evansville, IN 47713
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Fire and Emergency Response
The City of Evansville is located in the southwest corner of Indiana in Vanderburgh County.
Evansville is Indiana's third largest city, with a population of 116,253, and encompasses 44.6 square miles. The Evansville Fire Department provides fire protection, medical first response and all other fire related duties within the corporate limits of the City of Evansville.
There are 273 sworn firefighters that make up the Evansville Fire Department. The Suppression Division consists of 250 firefighters, including 6 District Chiefs, 51 Captains, 38 Lieutenants and 155 Privates. The Suppression Division is manned by firefighters working one of three shifts. Each shift is comprised of 83 personnel operating out of one of Evansville's 14 fire stations. Shift personnel work on a twenty-four hour rotating schedule.
The Evansville Fire Department's fire fighting fleet consists of 10 Engines that are used primarily to pump water from fire hydrants to the fire scene , 4 Quints that are used primarily as an Engine or aereal device at fire scenes, 1 Aerial Ladder (100’) used primarily to provide water or firefighter access to buildings in excess of three stories, 2 Rescue Squads and 6 Suppression Chief vehicles. All first line emergency response apparatus respond to emergencies with a minimum of four firefighters. The only exceptions are the Rescue Squads, which respond with a minimum of two firefighters. The Suppression Division also has 8 pieces of reserve apparatus, three Engines, an Aerial Ladder, a Heavy Rescue, 2 Chief vehicles and 2 Quints make up the Suppression reserve fleet. Evansville is one of only a few cities that maintain a reserve Quint.
The Evansville Fire Department has additional emergency response equipment in its fleet. The additional equipment consists of a Toyota Tundra pick-up truck, outfitted for vehicle fires and medic assists, three boats for water rescue/fire fighting, including a 22’ Scorpion jet drive boat, dive equipment trailer with Dive/Water Rescue gear, kawasaki Mule for special events/medical response, Hazardous Material trailer, Confined Space Rescue trailer and various pieces of reserve fire apparatus.
Every firefighter is required to undergo a minimum of twelve weeks of firefighter/medical training prior to being assigned on a shift. Requirements for new firefighters are Firefighter I and II certification and Emergency Medical Technician certification. After assignment to one of the three shifts, all firefighters are required to participate in a minimum of twenty hours of on-going firefighting training each month and maintain all required in-service EMS training hours.