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Evansville Redevelopment Commission

The Evansville Redevelopment Commission shall

  1. investigate, study, and survey areas needing redevelopment within the corporate boundaries of the unit;
  2. investigate, study, determine, and, to the extent possible, combat the causes of areas needing redevelopment;
  3. promote the use of land in the manner that best serves the interests of the unit and its inhabitants;
  4. cooperate with the departments and agencies of
    1. the unit
    2. other governmental entities
    3. public instrumentalities
    4. public corporate bodies; created by state law; in the manner that best serves the purposes of this chapter;
  5. make findings and reports on their activities under this section, and keep those reports open to inspection by the public at the offices of the department;
  6. select and acquire the areas needing redevelopment to be redeveloped under this chapter; and
  7. replan and dispose of the areas needing redevelopment in the manner that best serves the social and economic interests of the unit and its inhabitants.

Design Review Process, Guidelines and Application District Selection

Board details

Past meetings and minutes

House Enrolled Act No. 1242 - Effective July 1, 2018 there are additional reporting requirements applicable to Redevelopment Commissions within the State of Indiana.  Each Redevelopment Commission shall annually present information for the governing bodies of all taxing units that have territory within an allocation area of the Redevelopment Commission.  Click below for Evansville Redevelopment Commission's Annual Presentation to Taxing Units: