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Tree Advisory Board

The Tree Advisory Board coordinates with other government agencies, not-for-profit groups, and the public concerning tree related activities and issues. The board is also responsible for issuing permits for improvements that involve removal and planting of public trees.

3.30.1002 - Tree Advisory Board - Creation

There is hereby created and established a seven (7) member Tree Advisory Board for the City of Evansville, Indiana, whose members shall be appointed as follows:

  • (A) Four (4) members appointed by the Mayor, including the City's Arborist, one (1) member from the City's Parks Board, one (1) representative from a local privately-owned electrical utility company, and one (1) member from Operation City Beautiful's Board of Directors;
  • (B) Two (2) members appointed by the Common Council of the City with one (1) member from a neighborhood association who shall be an officer of the same; and
  • (C) One (1) member appointed by the Vanderburgh County Solid Waste Management District.

(Ord. G-2000-18 as amended, passed 12-18-00)

3.30.1004 - Tree Advisory Board - Duties

The Evansville Tree Advisory Board may:

  • (A) Study the problems and determine the needs of the City in connection with the development and execution of a tree-planting program.
  • (B) Assist the properly constituted officials of the City and citizens of the municipality, in the dissemination of news and information regarding the care, preservation, pruning, removal, selection, planting, maintenance, and disposal of public trees.
  • (C) Provide regular and special meetings at which the subject of trees, insofar as it relates to the city,  may be discussed by the members of the Tree Advisory Board.
  • (D) Coordinate its efforts with related projects of such groups as the Board of Public Works, Engineering Department and Parks Board.
  • (E) Communicate with the State Highway Department as to any highway projects which would affect public trees.
  • (F) Review, with the Mayor and Common Council, all plans for preserving existing public trees and planting new public trees.
  • (G) Recommend to be removed any public tree or part thereof which is in an unsafe condition or is affected with any injurious fungus, insect or other pest, or which by reason of its nature is injurious to sewers, electric power lines, gas lines, water lines, or other public improvements.
  • (H) Recommend to the proper authority the type and kind of public trees to be planted upon city-owned streets or parts of city-owned streets or in parks as is designated.  Recommendations will be appropriate to the visibility requirements of existing on and off premise business signage.  The types and kind of trees will be responsibly chosen to avoid materially obstructing the property by impairing the visibility of business signage.
  • (I) Issue permits as required by this subchapter (refer to Section 3.30.1010).
  • (J) Govern all aspects of the city's Arboarist certification program.
  • (K) Conduct educational and fund-raising campaigns as necessary and work with private and public agencies and organizations to establish programs for planting and care of public trees.
  • (L) Establish a non-reverting tree capital improvement fund to be used by the Board to accept public and private sector resources for programs of the Board.  In the event of the discontinuance of the Tree Advisory Board, the remainder of this fund shall revert to the general fund of the City.  All fees and fines connected to the enforcement of this subchapter shall be deposited into this fund.
  • (M) Annually submit a budget to the Common Council for appropriation of the fund(s) aforementioned.

(Ord. G-2000-18 as amended, passed 12-18-00)

3.30.1003 - Tree Advisory Board - Appointment and Term of Office

  • (A) Of the initially appointed members, the representative of Operation City Beautiful, Inc., Arborist and Parks Board shall serve two (2) years, the representative of the Utility shall serve three (3) years, and the representatives appointed by the Common Council and the Vanderburgh County Solid Waste Management District shall serve four (4) years.  When their respective terms expire, their replacements shall serve four (4) year terms.
  • (B)  Members of the Tree Advisory Board shall serve without compensation.

(Ord. G-2000-18 as amended, passed 12-18-00)